Academic Excellence


Scholastic Book Fair

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is hosting our annual Scholastic Book Fair beginning Monday, November 20, 2017 through Thursday, November 30, 2017. Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that provides the books kids want to read. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Reading for pleasure inside and […]


Homework without Tears

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will welcome Sr. Judy Sheffler to our November General PTC Meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.  Her presentation sill be on “Homework without Tears”. “Homework Without Tears is a program that provides parents with a systematic approach to ending the nightly battles over homework and to motivating their […]


Red Ribbon Week Survey

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School invites you to take our 2017 Bulldog Red Ribbon Week Survey! The top five themes will be incorporated into this year’s week which will take place October 23rd – 27th! All parents, grandparents, staff members and students participate in the survey! The Bulldog Red Ribbon Week Survey will remain open through […]


Middle School Electives

Middle School Parents, As we prepare for our 2017/2018 school year, we would like to open our Middle School Elective selection process. Electives at the Middle School level include: Physical Education, Art, Handbells, Introductory Latin (Self-Paced) and Reader’s Theater.  Electives are semester-long and each student is required to take one semester of physical education each […]


Summer Reading Reminder

As we approach the First Day of School, all students are reminded of their summer reading homework. Students entering First Grade and Second Grade must submit their summer reading journal to Mrs. Gamboa or Mrs. Jimenez on August 21, 2017.  Students entering Third Grade through Eighth Grade must submit their summer reading assignment to their […]


Summer Math Camp

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is now registering students for our 2017 Bulldog Summer Math Camp being held July 17th-21st! The camp is hosted by Mrs. Anne Cavazos, our middle school math teacher, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and is open to incoming sixth, seventh and eighth grade students. Please contact Mrs. Cavazos at […]


Blueprint Math Comes to Blessed

This year, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will implement Blueprint into our Pre-Kindergarten 4, Kindergarten and First Grade curriculum.  Blueprint is the precursor program for Reasoning Mind’s Foundations which is used in our Second through Fifth Grades. According to the team at Reasoning Mind, Blueprint is designed to meet a critical need in early childhood education: […]

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Principal's Corner

🌸💖 You’re Invited to Muffins with Mom 2025! 💖🌸

Dear Moms, Grandmas, and All the Amazing Mother Figures,

It’s that time of year again – Muffins with Mom is back, and we’re whisking up something extra special just for you! 🧁✨

Join us for a morning of delicious muffins, sweet memories, and endless love! Whether you’re the expert muffin baker or the one who’s just really good at eating them, we can’t wait to celebrate YOU! 😘

We promise there will be no muffin left behind and plenty of laughs, hugs, and fun. 💕

Come for the muffins, stay for the memories! 🍽️