I pray that each of you is enjoying God’s grace and peace during these final days of summer.
By the very nature of our existence, Catholic schools are different than public and charter school systems. Christ is the purpose of our school and the reason for its existence. Each year, as the spiritual leader of our school community, I select a scriptural theme to guide our school year. This becomes the theme for our faculty and staff, student body and parent community. Along with our Mission Statement, it becomes a guide to short-term and long-term decision making.
In Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, we hear him discuss the roles groups and slogans play in the early Church. Pleading with the first Christians, he states, “I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.”
One does not need to turn on the news or open a social media feed to witness how our society has become polarized in so may ways. It is often easier to focus on the differences that set us apart than the similarities that bond us together. The cultures of “I” and “Me” overshadow what can be born when the good of the whole is placed at the forefront.
As we embark on this new school year, I have selected We Over Me as our spiritual theme. It is my prayer that as a faith community we choose to always place the needs of the community over our personal thoughts and feelings. We must continue to keep the word MORE in our thoughts, conversations and actions – Be More, Love More, Do More and Win More.
May our Blessed Mother, Christ’s first teacher, continue to protect our school community. She is the prime example of how We Over Me can forever change the course of human history.
In Christ’s peace and service,
Michael Fierro