Hope for the Future
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, along with other Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, collaborate with Hope for the Future in providing tuition assistance to those with identified financial need. Hope for the Future is responsible for accepting and reviewing applications, determining financial scholarship amounts, and communicating program requirements directly with applications.
If you have questions regarding Hope for the Future, please contact their office at (210) 734-2620 or hopeforfuture@archsa.org.
The Kremer Foundation
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School continues our partnership with the Kremer Foundation. Since 1985, The George and Mary Kremer Foundation has been committed to providing Catholic elementary schools in the continental United States with tuition assistance grants for children from financially challenged families.
Applications will be announced for the 2025/2026 school year.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at michael.fierro@blessedschool.com should you have any questions regarding the Kremer Foundation tuition assistance application.
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Get ready for our adorable and awesome 2025 Read Across America Week – happening next week! This year, we’re putting a special twist on our week of literacy by approaching it through a Catholic lens – because we all know faith and books make the perfect pair! Plus, with Ash Wednesday falling in the middle of the week, it’s the perfect opportunity to explore how our faith connects with the stories we read and the values we hold dear. So, let’s dive into the joy of reading, faith, and a little sprinkle of Ash Wednesday reflection. It’s going to be a week full of learning, loving, and growing together!