"Building the City of God Beginning with a Spiritual and Academic Foundation."

Student Service Program

Bulldog for Christ Service Program Overview, Requirements, and Suggested Projects

Service education has been a hallmark of Catholic education in the United States for generations.  It is an opportunity for students to live their faith and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and Catholic education.

All students at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will be expected to complete an age-appropriate number of service education projects each semester.  While service education projects will be a required and graded component of the school’s curricular program, the greater purpose will be to help our students observe Christ’s commandment to love our neighbors.

Each semester, students must complete one service education project for each of the Corporal Works of Mercy.  In addition, students in Third Grade through Eighth Grade must serve as a greeter for two Masses at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.  Please note that participating in the St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive (November) or 40 Cans for Lent cannot be used as service projects.

Parents are asked to encourage their children to complete their service education projects in a manner that is consistent with Christ’s message of helping those less fortunate and most vulnerable in our society.  At the same time, however, a student should perform their required service hours in a safe, structured environment under adult supervision.

The Corporal Works of Mercy

The Works of Mercy are charitable deeds by which we help our neighbors.  The Works of Mercy are divided into two categories – Corporal (Physical) and Spiritual Works.

The Corporal Works of Mercy include: Feeding the Hungry, Giving Drink to the Thirsty, Clothing the Naked, Sheltering the Homeless, Visiting the Sick and Imprisoned and Burying the Dead.

Altar Server/Mass Greeter at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School

Students in Third Grade through Eighth Grade must serve at two (2) masses each semester.  In Mass uniform, students must serve as a greeter at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church or as an altar server at 10:00 a.m. or 12:15 p.m. Masses.

Student Service Journals

Student Service Journals will be distributed to all students in their First Week of School Envelope.  For your convenience, you can also download the journals below.

Students in Third Grade through Eighth Grade must serve at two (2) masses each semester.  In Mass uniform, students must serve as a greeter at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church or as an altar server at either the 5:30 (Saturday), 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m., or 5:00 p.m. Masses.

Suggested Projects

Bulldog for Christ Service Program Mass Greeter Online Scheduler

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Get ready for our adorable and awesome 2025 Read Across America Week – happening next week! 🎉📚 This year, we’re putting a special twist on our week of literacy by approaching it through a Catholic lens – because we all know faith and books make the perfect pair! Plus, with Ash Wednesday falling in the middle of the week, it’s the perfect opportunity to explore how our faith connects with the stories we read and the values we hold dear. So, let’s dive into the joy of reading, faith, and a little sprinkle of Ash Wednesday reflection. It’s going to be a week full of learning, loving, and growing together! 😇✨