"Building the City of God Beginning with a Spiritual and Academic Foundation."

Admission Requirements

General Admission Information

The Principal at his/her discretion shall have the right to admit, re-admit, or deny admission of any student.  In making this determination, the Principal will consider a variety of factors, including the conduct of the student and/or parent(s).

Because of our admittance criteria and requirements, a Waiting List for enrollment at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will be established according to the following guidelines: A list for “Parishioner” families and a list for “Non-Parishioner” families.

The “Parishioner” list will include all parish families as well as “Non-Parishioner” families who already have students attending the school. To be considered “Parishioner”, a family must be a registered contributing member with a minimum annual contribution totaling $425.00 (approximately $35.00 per month) prior to being placed on the “Parishioner” Waiting List or being immediately enrolled.  Required contributions must be received by May 31st each year.

Families may be placed on the Waiting List if no space is available for their students during registration, or if they are interested in enrolling students during the school year, (should a vacancy occur), or if they want to enroll students in the upcoming registration period.

As vacancies occur during the school year, they will be filled first from the Waiting List.  During registration, the registration policy will be followed with unfilled spaces being assigned from the Waiting List.

To be placed on the Waiting List, the parents or guardian must fill out a Waiting List form in the school office.


A student is considered qualified when he/she fulfills the admission standards with regard to age, mental and physical capacity as established by Archdiocesan regulations, the Texas Catholic Conference, and the Texas Education Agency.


  • In order to be admitted to Pre- Kindergarten 4, a child must be four years of age on or before September 1st and pass a standardized readiness test administered by Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.
  • In order to be admitted to Kindergarten, a child must be five years of age on or before September 1st and pass a standardized readiness test administered by Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.
  • In order to be admitted to First Grade, a child must be six years of age on or before September 1st and pass a standardized readiness test administered by Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.
  •  For those who do not exhibit proper readiness, an interview with the parents is recommended to determine procedures to be followed.
  • All new families seeking admission must schedule an interview with the school administration.
  • Students wishing to transfer from another school must present this year’s and the previous year’s report cards, and standardized test scores if applicable. Further testing may be required at the sole discretion of the administration.
  • Student transfers to or from home schooling is not an option provided by the Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese because of the importance of socializing the student in a Catholic faith community, establishment of a positive self-image, and the development of relationships with adults and other students. However, we must recognize parents’ rights to choose an academic institution best meeting their child’s needs.  Students wishing to transfer from unaccredited schools or home schooling must present this year’s and the previous year’s report cards, and standardized test scores if applicable.  Further testing may be required.
  • Temporary placement of transfer students is based on previous records and an interview. All new students are on probation for a period of time, and final placement is made after the probation period and teacher observation.
  • Students enrolled at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School may not enter into a dual enrollment arrangement with non-accredited schools for any portion of the day.


Registration for the next school year is usually conducted in February for new and returning families.  Dates and times of registration will be published in the school monthly newsletter and church bulletin.  Any disputes over registration will be referred to the School Council.

The following items must be complete before the child is guaranteed a place at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School:

  • A birth certificate for students entering Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten or First Grade must be presented at the time of registration.
  • A current immunization record must be presented at the time of registration.
  • A certificate of Baptism and/or First Holy Communion must be presented at the time of registration if the student is Catholic and has received either of these sacraments.
  • This year’s and the previous year’s report cards, and standardized test scores if applicable, must be presented by students registering from another school.
  • The registration fee must be paid in full at the time of registration. In addition, the financial accounts of current families must be current for re-registration.
  • An emergency information card is to be completed in case of accident or illness. Parents must send emergency card information updates throughout the school year as they occur.
  • All registration forms must be fully completed.
  • In case of parental divorce or separation, a certified copy of the final recorded instrument must be in file in the school office for referral in any matter pertaining to custody, according to Archdiocesan policy. This includes matters pertaining to school records, other academic information, and student pick-up. The school will not be held responsible for failing to honor arrangements that have not been made known.
  • If a student is transferring from another Catholic school, all accounts must be cleared at the sending school before registration and enrollment can be completed.

All new students to Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will remain on academic and behavioral probation for their first nine weeks grading period.

Students with Special Needs

The policy of the Archdiocese is that schools will, if able, provide students with special needs the opportunity for a Catholic education. Should a family apply to a school that is not capable of providing the necessary facilities or services for the child to be successful, they will be referred to other schools and programs which have the ability to effectively meet their needs. Blessed Sacrament Catholic School strives to provide the accommodations and/or modifications within the scope of our school’s resources for students who are identified as having special learning needs. Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will collaborate with parents/guardians, the public school, and appropriate agency and/or professional when providing services for the child.

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Principal's Corner

Get ready for our adorable and awesome 2025 Read Across America Week – happening next week! 🎉📚 This year, we’re putting a special twist on our week of literacy by approaching it through a Catholic lens – because we all know faith and books make the perfect pair! Plus, with Ash Wednesday falling in the middle of the week, it’s the perfect opportunity to explore how our faith connects with the stories we read and the values we hold dear. So, let’s dive into the joy of reading, faith, and a little sprinkle of Ash Wednesday reflection. It’s going to be a week full of learning, loving, and growing together! 😇✨