Traditionally, the month of May is set aside by the Catholic Church to honor Mary. In the footsteps of generations before us, we will gather on May 1st to crown Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Students were encouraged to bring flowers as a symbol of affirming Mary’s love and her place as an example for Christian living. I would like to acknowledge the Blessed Sacrament Class of 2019 for preparing this time-honored tradition.
I offer this prayer on behalf of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic School community:
Mother Mary, during this the fairest month of all the year, may we always remember that you reveal to us the mother love of God and that the image of Madonna and child is also an image of God and us. Help us to see that God loves each of us with a mother’s passion, even greater than the one you experienced when you held Jesus in your arms. Continue to protect our school community as we continue to grow in faith, hope and love. Amen.