Dear Blessed Sacrament Parent, Guardian, and Grandparents,
Field trips are a learning privilege planned to enhance the instructional activities of the classroom. Field trips are subject to approval by the Principal. The student must have a signed and dated permission slip from the parent for each field trip. This privilege is subject to academic and behavioral requirements. The planning of a field trip is the sole responsibility of a teacher or his/her designee.
Field trip chaperones must meet all requirements established by the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Chaperones may not bring other children on the field trip. Older siblings who have reached their 21st birthday are also eligible to chaperone when space permits. Drivers providing transportation are required to present a valid driver’s license, proof of current liability insurance, and a completed Archdiocese Volunteer Driver Information Form.
Chaperone responsibilities are as follows:
- All drivers/chaperones are required to complete the required training and a background check using the VIRTUS System provided by the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
- The priority of field trip drivers/chaperones is to assist the teacher with safety precautions, travel, and any other activities planned by the teacher.
- Drivers/chaperones are responsible for the children assigned by the teacher in the car and during the activities on the field trip.
- There is no smoking, vaping, or drinking alcohol on field trips.
- Drivers/chaperones may not bring siblings on field trips.
- Children must be with adults at all times. Students may not be left unattended, especially in public restroom facilities.
- Chaperones will let the teacher know immediately if there are any problems with a student.
- Drivers/adults will be considered chaperones and are expected to remain with their assigned group throughout the field trip.
- Cell phone numbers will be exchanged among drivers in case of emergencies.
- For safety reasons, drivers may not talk on cell phones while driving students unless it is an emergency or the driver needs clarification on directions.
- Drivers/chaperones may not make any additional stops with the assigned children in their car.
- Drivers/chaperones need to depart and arrive together.
If you are interested in chaperoning a Blessed Sacrament Catholic School field trip, then please complete the form below. If you are having trouble locating your VIRTUS Certificates, then please contact me and I will get you a copy of your certificates.
In service to the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament,
Michael Fierro
Field Trip Chaperone
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Get ready for our adorable and awesome 2025 Read Across America Week – happening next week! This year, we’re putting a special twist on our week of literacy by approaching it through a Catholic lens – because we all know faith and books make the perfect pair! Plus, with Ash Wednesday falling in the middle of the week, it’s the perfect opportunity to explore how our faith connects with the stories we read and the values we hold dear. So, let’s dive into the joy of reading, faith, and a little sprinkle of Ash Wednesday reflection. It’s going to be a week full of learning, loving, and growing together!