"Building the City of God Beginning with a Spiritual and Academic Foundation."


Bits, Bytes and Bots

Bits, Bytes and Bots is open to students in Third Grade through Eighth Grade on Wednesdays from 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.  During the Fall I Course, students will build a video game.  Students enrolled will capitalize on their love of video games by allowing them to build their own.  Their imagination is the limit as they create multiple and unique video games.  Students learn programming and apply concepts they have learned in math.

Informational Flyer | Online Registration
Email Address: sa@bitsbytesbots.com
Phone Number: (210) 745-8123

Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America’s goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. The Cub scouts use the scout method to instill typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking.

Chess Club

Open to students in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Chess Club meets for casual play on Mondays from 3:15 p.m. until 4:15 PM. The teacher for the club is Deacon Mark Harden, a former San Antonio city chess co-champion. All grades are welcome, from beginners to advanced players. Supplies such as boards and pieces are provided.

Online Registration
Contact: Deacon Mark Harden
Email Address: mharden@blessedsacrament.church
Phone Number: (210) 824-7231

Ecology: Earth Club and Gardening Club

In keeping with the Church’s mission of Caring for God’s Creation, Blessed Sacrament will sponsor two ecology clubs this year – the Earth Club and the Gardening Club.  Both clubs are open to students in Third Grade through Fifth Grade.

The Earth Club and the Gardening Club will alternate on Mondays from 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Students may join one club or both clubs.  Ms. Tyler will sponsor the Earth Club and Mrs. Marton will sponsor the gardening club.  

Earth Club and/or Gardening Club Online Registration 
Contact: Ms. Cindi Tyler and Mrs. Dorothy Marton
Email Address: ctyler@blessedschool.com and dmarton@blessedschool.com
Phone Number: (210) 824-3381

Girl Scouts

Girls are born everyday. Leaders are born everyday.  Are you ready to unleash your Girl Leader? Girl Scouts has a simple goal. We want to you to find your inner G.I.R.L. Join us and let us help you discover your go-getter, innovator, risk-taker, and leader. The possibilities are endless. Discover all you can be and shine. Let us get you prepared for a lifetime of leadership and change the world.

Mad Science

Mad Science provided a hands-on and inquiry based program tied to science curriculum standards.  Lessons are age-appropriate lessons taught by trained, reliable and dynamic instructors.  Mad Science is open to student sin Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.  Fall Session I topics include: All About Animals, Energy Burst, Life in the Sea, Mix It Up, Moving Motion and Radical Robots.  Fall Session II topics include: Current Events, Science of Magic, Fantastic Flyers, Super Structures, Under Pressure and Fun-damental Forces.

Informational Flyer | Online Registration 
Contact: Ms. Adrianna Hagan
Email Address: adrianna@madscienceaustin.com
Phone Number: (210) 651-1143

National Junior Beta 

The National Junior Beta Club is an on-secret, academic, service organization for students in grades 5-8.  Membership is limited to those students who maintain an average of 94-100 in the core subjects with commendable attitude.  A student who wishes to be a member of the National Junior Beta Club must maintain the above average for two nine week (quarterly) grading periods before being admitted to the club.  Eligibility is determined by the principal and faculty of the school.

Contact: Mr. Michael Fierro
Email Address: michael.fierro@blessedschool.com
Phone Number: (210) 824-3381

Robotics Club

Twinkle Toes
Twinkle Toes is provided for students in Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.  Through dance students will grow emotionally, physically, socially and cognitively. They will learn how to express themselves through creative movement, learn new techniques, make new friends, and exercise, all in a safe and comforting environment. Students conclude the year with a recital at Antonian High School.  Classes meet on Wednesdays from 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Informational Flyer
Contact: Ms. Stephanie Martinez
Email Address: twinkletoesballet@yahoo.com
Phone Number: (210) 910-9131

Walking with the Saints

The Church honors and celebrates the lives of the Saints because they allowed God to transform their lives to be Christ-like for others while they were on earth. We will walk side by side with the saints to ask them to help and guide us to live our faith for the love of Jesus in our daily lives. We will
pray together, learn the lives of the saints, reflect on their virtues, share their insights, and express ourselves through art and journaling. “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is Love.” 1 John 4:8 We invite the students in First Grade through Fourth Grade who would like to join Walking with the Saints from 3:20-4:00 on Wednesdays in the Art Room.  Students are asked to bring an 8.5″ x 11″sketch pad.

Online Registration
Contact: Sr. My-Hanh Tran, CDP
Email Address: mtran@blessedschool.com
Phone Number: (210) 824-3381

Webby Dance Company (Gymnastics)
Webby Dance Company offers fun and exciting weekly gymnastics classes for students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade on Thursdays from 3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m..  Each class is 45 minutes in length and includes age-appropriate instruction in  beginning tumbling and gymnastics skills.  Children will benefit by building their flexibility, coordination, memory, concentration, and self-confidence, all in a positive atmosphere.

Informational Flyer | Online Registration
Contact: Ms. Celina Lozano
Email Address: clozano@webbydancecompany.com
Phone Number: (210) 816-1857


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