For over 15 years, the faculty, staff and students of Blessed Sacrament Catholic School have participated in an annual Curriculum Immersion Day. This has become a tradition of our school and remains a much anticipated event for our students.
This year, Curriculum Immersion will be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Students will be learning about the countries of Spain and Portugal. These two beautiful and historic countries are the largest countries on the Iberian Peninsula. Throughout the day, students will be exploring and learning about various topics such as architecture, early explorers, government, and food. An emphasis will also be placed on our Blessed Mother’s apparitions in these very Catholic-rich countries.
On this day, we are asking that students come to school dressed in Spanish or Portuguese traditional clothing. Clothing should reflect the culture of the country you select. Clothing may also reflect special events or celebrations within that country. We have listed websites that will provide you with helpful information, or you may also Google traditional Portuguese or Spanish clothing.
We also invite students in Pre-Kindergarten 4 through Fifth Grade to participate in our Tall Ships Race!
If you have questions, please contact any of the teachers on the Curriculum Immersion Team – Ms. Gonzales, Ms. Aguilar, Mrs. Gamboa, Mrs. Jimenez, Mr. Carrillo, Ms. Gonzalez, Ms. Tyler, Mrs. Heinsheimer, Mr. Laguna, Mrs. Murry, Mrs. Marton, and Sr. My-Hanh. We are here to help!