Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic School!
First, let me say welcome! I am blessed and honored to serve you as pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church and School and am excited that you are considering joining our beautiful community here at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.
The main priority that I have here is to grow in holiness and to help this community to do the same! This means at our school, specifically for our little ones. As Scriptures points out: “Jesus, however, called the children to himself and said, “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16. My hope is that we as a community continue to foster and help our little ones grow in faith, hope, and charity. This also includes and entails academically and socially too.
A little bit about me. My name is Fr. Johnson Lê (pronounced as lay). I was born in New Orleans, La. My parents are originally from Vietnam and immigrated to the United States after the war as refugees. My family and I eventually settled in Arlington, TX where I grew up for the majority of my life. Eventually, I moved to San Antonio and graduated from St. Mary’s University earning a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Divinity from Oblate School of Theology.
I was ordained to the priesthood on June 2, 2018. My first assignment was at St. Rose of Lima as a parochial vicar. I was currently serving as pastor of St. Ann in La Vernia as well as administrator of Annunciation in St. Hedwig before coming here.
I look forward to serving our community and school. I ask for your prayers for our community, school and myself as we navigate together towards Heaven. Most importantly, I pray we always follow the Will of God for the life of our parish and school as well as our own lives. Let us be united in prayer and strive for holiness to become saints in Heaven.
Rev. Johnson Lê
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Get ready for our adorable and awesome 2025 Read Across America Week – happening next week! This year, we’re putting a special twist on our week of literacy by approaching it through a Catholic lens – because we all know faith and books make the perfect pair! Plus, with Ash Wednesday falling in the middle of the week, it’s the perfect opportunity to explore how our faith connects with the stories we read and the values we hold dear. So, let’s dive into the joy of reading, faith, and a little sprinkle of Ash Wednesday reflection. It’s going to be a week full of learning, loving, and growing together!