Blessed Sacrament Families,

On Monday, August 17, 2020, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School embraced our school’s motto of Have Courage, Move Forward, Make Noise with our re-opening. Although we have encountered logistical challenges at times, the process has been overall successful and we look forward to providing In Person Instruction, Guided Distance Learning and Self-Paced Learning based on a family’s decision on what would be best for their family.

Local school districts, including North East Independent School District (NEISD), are in the process of making decisions on whether to begin In Person Instruction on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. This coincides with Blessed Sacrament’s first day of allowing additional students onto our campus based on our published Plan for the Safe Re-Opening of Campus.

To facilitate a safe, fair and equitable process to bringing additional students onto campus, I ask families to follow these important steps.

First, speak with your family about whether returning to campus at this time is in your family’s best interest. Be sure to ask those important questions that must be addressed due to the current health pandemic affecting the City of San Antonio.

Second, review the Safe Reopening In Person Student Count that has been published for our parents and guardians to help guide your decision making. This document will also include the anticipated number of students returning.

Third, review our Plan for the Safe Reopening of Campus seeing how Blessed Sacrament is proactively taking steps to increase the health and safety of our community. Understand that a safety meeting will be required of returning families to understand our safety protocols and expectations. This meeting will be scheduled, in person, on Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Additionally, reach out to a parent or guardian who has begun In Person Instruction and ask them about their experience with sending their students back to campus.

Next, offer your thoughts to the Blessed Sacrament through the intercession of the Blessed Mother. Always remember that returning to campus must be something you are comfortable with, not your student.

Finally, if you believe you are ready for your student to return to campus for In Person Instruction, then complete the form below. If not, that is okay. There is no rush. There is no demand. This must be a decision you must feel comfortable making.

Our next re-entry date will be Monday, September 21, 2020.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or need assistance with the discernment process.  I can be reached at (210) 824-3381 or

In service to the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament,

Michael Fierro


Campus Re-Entry Form

  • This is optional, but helps with planning.